how to convert frames into avi video? give me code

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how to convert frames into avi video?

回答(2 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-12-19
From Matlab documentation:
Convert image to movie frame Syntax
f = im2frame(X,map)
f = im2frame(X)
f = im2frame(X,map) converts the indexed image X and associated colormap map into a movie frame f. If X is a truecolor (m-by-n-by-3) image, then map is optional and has no effect.
Typical usage:
M(1) = im2frame(X1,map);
M(2) = im2frame(X2,map);
M(n) = im2frame(Xn,map);
f = im2frame(X) converts the indexed image X into a movie frame f using the current colormap if X contains an indexed image.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-12-19
Look at the VideoWriter documentation page and go down to the example near the bottom of the page, click on "AVI File from animation".
See also writevideo with the "frames" syntax

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