how to convert Low Resolution Image To High definition image?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
can any body tell me Algorithm or Procedure to convert Low level image to High Definition image ?


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-1-8
You can change the image matrix size with imresize(). This does not change the actual real world spatial resolution (like how well you can resolve to points close together in the scene), just the number of pixels. To increase the resolution you need to use a spatial filter, like deconvlucy() or wiener2() which require you to supply a point spread function and a noise spectrum.

更多回答(2 个)

Anand 2014-1-8
You could look into techniques for super resolution. This is an entire field of research that uses multiple low resolution images to create high resolution images.
  4 个评论
breezy 2014-8-19
I am doing project on super resolution by using multiple low resolution images to create high resolution images. can anyone give codings related to this


Syed Murtaza
Syed Murtaza 2021-6-18
need matlab code for single image super resolution using deep learning.


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