anfis vs anfis edit

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Aditya 2014-1-14
I was trying to use both anfis and anfis edit GUI in the fuzzy logic toolbox and i found that anfis gives a better result even though the clustering and optimization technique i used were same in both of them. The only thing that is there in anfis is the step size control, and that seems to make the difference. Can anyone advice?

回答(1 个)

Yarpiz / Mostapha Heris
For anfisedit GUI, the raw ANFIS structure generation is limited to be based on (a) grid partitioning or (b) subtractive clustering. However, the anfis (training function) can be used to train any raw ANFIS strucure; specially those created by genfis3, or FCM-based structures. For some applications, the result of FCM is better than other approaches, and hence the anfis function, is capable of reaching better performance.
In the following link, you can find a complete implementation, which can be used to compare various configurations for Generation and Training of ANFIS structures:


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