how to connect Matlab with usb port to control dc motor speed

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have a summer project i want to learn how to control speed of DC motor with matlab code by connecting it with usb 2.0 the motor takes its voltage from batteries just i want data to be connected with motor i dont know exactly how to do it i think it needs a chip i just want to know what to read and where to search and i will start learning from
thanks in advance

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-7-12
Please consult this previous question: here.
Note: the responses there got somewhat out of order, so you may need to read back and forth several times. Also, be sure to expand the hidden comments, as there is a fair bit of good technical material in the comments.


更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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