I have a passport size photo and i want to detect the face in it but the whole face,means from head to chin.after this step i have to save the detected face for further processing My email id is tawheedjan@gmail.com

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a passport size photo and i want to detect the face in it but the whole face,means from head to chin.after this step i have to save the detected face for further processing.can anybody provide me the code. My email id is tawheedjan@gmail.com.
  4 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-1-18
Is this a passport photo, with the face looking straight into the camera and so that you have a uniform background that you can easily find? Or is it any possible photo with any type of cluttered background with a face at any possible orientation/pose?


回答(1 个)

tawheed jan
tawheed jan 2014-1-21
I am working on the passport photo,with the face looking straight into the camera and is having uniform background.


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