Error Message in Simulink Simscape

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
William 2011-7-12
编辑: John Kelly 2015-2-27
Hello All! I am using Matlab 2011a and I get the following error message in Simulink Simscape:
"No solver block connected to physical network"
It tells me in order to resolve the issue to change the explicit solver diagnostic setting on the Simscape panel of the model configuration parameters. However, I can not locate this panel to do so. I'm not sure why I am getting this error and I don't know how to correct it.
Any help is much appreciated!

回答(1 个)

Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau 2011-7-12
编辑:John Kelly 2013-11-13
If the error message tells you that there is no solver block connected to your network... maybe you should try connecting a solver block to your network!
Here is the doc for this block:
You will find this block in the Utilities section of the Simscape Library.
  2 个评论
William 2011-7-13
Thanks for the help, Guy - I will try that and update if I still have problems. I appreciate your work!



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