Time dependent switch

99 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sampriti Bhattacharyya
编辑: Jyotishman 2024-11-4
I have a simulink model, and it has a clock. The model has many subsystems. I require to turn on a switch at a particular time of the simulation in one of the subsystems. How should I do that? (eg, at 10secs in that clock time (as it displays the time), I want the switch to act).
I initially put the time output into a workspace t. Then, I took a simple switch, where I put the control input as t, and mentioned the threshold. This would not work, since t is an array or struct.
Can anyone help?

回答(1 个)

Seth Popinchalk
Seth Popinchalk 2011-7-13
Use the output of the Clock as the control signal for the switch. Then the threshold can be set to the time you would like it to switch. Specify Greater than the threshold or greater than or equal to to get the desired behavior.
If the switch is inside a subsystem and the clock is at the root of your model, you may need to add another inport to your subsystem to pass the signal into the subsystem.
Alternatively, the clock can be added to the subsystem and directly connected to the switch. The clock does not have to reside at the root of the model.
  3 个评论
janaka Amarasooriya
It worked, really thanks for the answer
Jyotishman 2024-11-4
编辑:Jyotishman 2024-11-4
If i want to connect this switch in parallel with a reasistor and a inductor, how can i connect?



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