How to increase Buffer size parameter in MATLAB .mdl simulation file?

76 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am having error like "The specified buffer was too small.During simulation, the buffer size was temporarily increased to 2048. In order to use Real-Time Workshop, you need to update the buffer size parameter"

回答(2 个)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2014-4-11
Errors from Simulink typically point to a block, so it is strange that your error doesn't do so. Do you have a Transport Delay block in your model? If so, that is likely the cause of the error. You can try increasing the 'Initial buffer size' parameter.
  2 个评论
ovais nazir
ovais nazir 2020-1-1
I am using transport delay ,i get error from simulink as "during simulation,the buffer size was temporarily increased to order to generate code ,you need to update buffer size parameter .. My initial buffer size parameter is 2048*4.where i can update the new size or increase initial size . Thankyou
marwa Eltouhamy
marwa Eltouhamy 2021-12-15
You can try increasing the 'Initial buffer size' parameter.
this initial buffer size is not editable


Mariamcher Chanie
Mariamcher Chanie 2020-12-12
I keep getting this error even when In increased the buffer to 2048 in the time delay block
"eased to 2048. In order to generate code, you need to update the
buffer size parameter"
Does anyone have an idea of what to do?
  2 个评论
Go to library using right click and unlock library from main tool bar . then right clik on block T go to block parameter and put new buffer size.



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