Removing characters from/breaking up file names

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I have a list of file names from which I'd like to remove some characters. Ideally, I'd like to break up the file name into parts, but can't figure out how to do that (aside from fileparts, which was useful in removing the extension). Here's an example:
02-Feb-2009_1.xls ------------------------------------- 02-Feb-2009_1
02-Feb-2009_2.xls ----after file parts ext removal----> 02-Feb-2009_2
02-Feb-2009_3.xls ------------------------------------- 02-Feb-2009_3
I would like to separate the names into dates and trial numbers (in different columns):
02-Feb-2009_1 -------------------------------------- 02-Feb-2009 / / 1
02-Feb-2009_2 --------------?--?--?----------------> 02-Feb-2009 / / 2
02-Feb-2009_3 -------------------------------------- 02-Feb-2009 / / 3
I have tried taking the length of the names, then subtracting 2 or 3, but I can't figure out how to apply that new length to each cell in the file.


Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2014-2-16
编辑:Mischa Kim 2014-2-16
B.M. you could use the strfind command:
str = '02-Feb-2009_1.xls';
str_trim = str(1:strfind(str,'.')-1)
str_trim =
or, for the latter part
str = '02-Feb-2009_1';
str_1 = str(1:strfind(str,'_')-1)
str_1 =
str_2 = str(strfind(str,'_')+1:end)
str_2 =

更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-2-16
What about using the fileparts() function?
  2 个评论
B.M. 2014-2-16
I did, to remove the .xls extension--that was easy. It was harder to clip off extra parts of the filenames (like, in my case, the underscore plus trial number). In other words, I wasn't sure how to remove a custom part of a file name rather than the pre-specified outputs in "fileparts."
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-2-16
Sorry - I didn't read closely enough. I guess you need to do custom parsing like Mischa showed. I often do that too.



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