Neural net default error: "Default value is not a member of type "nntype.distance_fcn"."
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I have not used any neural net programs before, and am trying the built-in neural net example called "Simple Clusters" via the Gui App. When I load the example data, and choose the default 10 neurons, I get this error:
Default value is not a member of type "nntype.distance_fcn".
As far as I know, I have not changed any default settings, the distanceFnc is still the default "linkdist", which exists in my path. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
2 个评论
Jipei Chen
I also encountered the same problem. Is there any solution currently? Is it a source code issue?
Greg Heath
1. Review
a. doc selforgmap
b. help selforgmap
2.What happens when you cut and paste the help example with each of the following alternatives:
net = selforgmap;
net = selforgmap( [8 8]);
net = selforgmap( [8 8],100,3,'hextop',linkdist' );
Hope this helps
2 个评论
Greg Heath
Why don't you cut and paste the examples in
help fitnet
help patternnet
to see if the NNTBX works at all
更多回答(3 个)
In case someone ends up here after googling the issue like I did, since I am afraid Greg's answer was not particularly useful... What happened in my case (and what may be the issue for you as well) was that I had a function in my path, conflicting with the toolbox - in my case a dist.m I wrote a long time ago and had forgotten about. So you might want to check whether there is a dist.m in your path.
If not, run net = selforgmap; right when launching a "clean" version of matlab with no personal directories added to the path. If it works, add paths in your directories one by one (addpath/rmpath) until you narrow down which one causes the function to fail, and then narrow down to the function... (since I had no idea what I was looking for, once I found the directory I had to remove functions from it until I found which one was the culprit). Hope it helps!
4 个评论
Sinan Islam
Thanks alot Monique. I had a function called dist.m
Honestly, I find it a bit weird that matlab core functions and toolboxes functions do not have their own namespace. Also, I am not sure if matlab have the concept of Environments. Anyhow, I renamed the function and the issue was fixed.
Greg Heath
If you can't figure it out, try the command line approach and keep my comment in mind.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
Daniel Perez Rapela
I just found the solution here:
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