dealing with \ and / (windows vs. unix) for path definition.

190 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everybody,
Simple question, let's say I'm using mac osx and some colleagues use windows... and I have to share a matlab script. Problem, this script needs to look in folder to load data files or print figures:
load ./data/data.mat
print -dpdf ./graph/figure.pdf
this is how it is written on unix system, but on windows I have to replace all the / by \
load .\data\data.mat
Is there a way to deal with that or the only way to make it works on both systems is to add a conditional statement like
if isunix load ./data/data.mat else load .\data\data.mat end
thanks for any help,


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-2-21
Matt's right. You can use forward slashes when making up path strings under Windows versions of MATLAB. It handles them just fine. No need to ever use backslashes. Actually you don't even need filesep. This works just fine as a path:
myMFilesPath = 'D:/MATLAB/work/my m-files'; % Perfectly fine under Windows.
  2 个评论
Ankit Labh
Ankit Labh 2024-8-8
I must say that this is not working. If I have a file path in windows, it is simply not working for mac and vice versa.
An example is the following:
cd ':\Users\E_Drive_OD\Folder1'
This is how one goes to the Folder1 directory, but each time I use matlab in mac, I have to give Mac like directory address, which is the following:
cd '/Users/E_Drive_OD/Folder1'.
Can you suggest me a simple way to convert the folder directory address compatible with both? I am looking for something like this:
magic_mac(windows_path) % converts windows path to mac path
magic_win(mac_path) % converts mac path to windows path
Thank you.
Stephen23 2024-8-8
编辑:Stephen23 2024-8-8
"I must say that this is not working"
Your Windows example shows that you are using backslashes, not forward slashes like this answer advises. Forward slashes are accepted on Mac, Linux, and Windows. This is explained in the MATLAB documentation: "A forward slash (/) is a valid separator on any platform"
If you are using relative paths (i.e. using . or .. on the leftmost end of the path) then forward slashes will work with one path on all of those platforms.
Of course how those OS's refer to drives and various special folders is completely different, so if you want one absolute path that will work on all platforms then you are out of luck.


更多回答(3 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2014-2-21
编辑:Matt J 2014-2-21
You can use the FILESEP command. However, are you sure it's necessary? I always seem to remember MATLAB being smart enough to parse directory path strings correctly regardless of which separator you use.

pieter vandromme
pieter vandromme 2014-2-21
编辑:pieter vandromme 2014-2-21
Hi, thanks for your answer,
The command FILESEP works fine.
I've made also some try to see if matlab was reinterpreting the path according to the OS in a clever way but it seems not to work. Yet, with the Image analyst answer it seems to work only in one way. / -> \, or when a unix path is interpreted on windows, but not the opposite! So, it is good to know that we have to write the path always with / and never with the windows way!
cheers and thanks again.
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-2-21
编辑:Image Analyst 2014-2-21
I'm not sure what the middle sentence means, but your final sentence that says you can always use /, and never use \, regardless of platform/OS is correct.


jim bob
jim bob 2020-3-2
Sometimes a function (such as unzip) will return filenames in the format appropriate for the platform you are using so you may need to convert from one system to another.
path_pc = '\path\to\folder';
%convert to a unix version:
path_unix = path_pc;


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