error message: "the rpc server is unavailable" - what causes it / how to get rid of it?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I'm getting the error "the RPC server is unavailable" when my MatLab code tries to run a macro within an Excel file, i.e. with the command:
The code uses com connections to an Excel file in order to write data and run several chart making macros.
I'm a bit confused because the code runs fine on several other PC's and a Google search for the error doesn't seem to turn up anything useful...
Any thoughts on what could be causing this error would be much appreciated.

回答(1 个)

Iain 2014-2-25
编辑:Iain 2014-2-25
I've seen that error when the excel application matlab was interfacing with has closed but it hasn't been replicated in matlab's activex interface object.


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