Resample of time series

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rohit 2014-2-27
I have time series and corresponding amplitude in Excel file. I have to resample it Please help.

回答(2 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2014-2-27
you can use interp1 function

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2014-2-27
Read data from the first worksheet into a numeric array:
A = xlsread('myExample.xlsx');
time = A(:,1); % in case your time series is in the first column of your excell
amplitude = A(:,2) % in case your amplitudes are in the second column of your excell
n = 3; %resample every third value --> adapt to your needs
resample = 1:n:numel(time);
time_resampled = time(resample);
amplitude_resampled = amplitude(resample);


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