Fitting a gamma distribition to x,y data

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
i do have data from size distribution measurements. The data is like: number of counts in specific size class ( e.g 1 - 1000 µm).
I can use nlinfit like:
p = nlinfit(sizeclass,NormalisedCounts,@gammafun_3param,[1 10 1500])
function y = gammafun_3param(abc,x)
a = abc(1); b = abc(2); c = abc(3);
y = c * x.^(a-1) .* exp(-x/b) / (b^a * gamma(a));
This works pretty well. The reason why i do not understand this issue is probably due to my lack of statistic knowledge.
1) Why does the usual gammafunction with c=1 not fit (the scaling is wrong)
2) How can i use gamfit if i cannot pass the information of the sizeclass to it ?
Do i have to normalize the data somehow different ? I normalized the counts by dividing by their sum.
Kind regards

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