internal.f​ininst.cds​stdsurvpro​b, inside function cdsbootstrap

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am analyzing the code of cdsbootstrap in the financial instrument toolbox(I want to adapt it to non piecewise flat hazard rates). In the last line appears the following extract of code:
[SurvProbData,HazardRates] = internal.fininst.cdsstdsurvprob( ...
Is internal.fininst.cdsstdsurvprob accessible someway? Is it some kind of 'internal' function that I cannot modify nor see?

回答(1 个)

Zijian Rao
Zijian Rao 2016-7-11
编辑:Zijian Rao 2016-7-11
Yes, I think you could access this function by selecting the whole function, that is internal.fininst.cdsstdsurvprob, then right click and choose open "internal.fininst.cdsstdsurvprob" selection. Then you could check the code.
However, I don't think you can modify the code directly.
To the best of my knowledge, you could rename it and then create a file with that name under same folder. You could put your code under that file.


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