Any help for converting from s-matrix to z-matrix

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
plz can any one help me, i want to make a code to convert from z-matrix to s-matrix and vice versa as below :
[z]= {[u]-[s]}inverse * {[u]+[s]}
[s]= {[z]-[u]} * {[z]+[u]}inverse
s = s-matrix z = normalized impedance matrix u = identity matrix
appreciating your kind help because it's more than urgent for me

回答(2 个)

Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta 2011-7-21
I don't know the context, but the code should be simple enough:
% Assume you have S and it is a square matrix
% Create U of the same size
U = eye(length(S));
Z = inv(U-S) * (U+S);
% Assume you have Z and it is a square matrix
% Create U of the same size
U = eye(length(Z));
S = (Z-U) * inv(Z+U);

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2011-7-21
U = eye(size(S));
Z = (U-S)\(U+S);
U = eye(size(Z));
S = (Z-U)/(Z+U);


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