uitable: text-alignment with HTML

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
M. 2014-3-26
Hello everybody!
To customize uitbales in Matlab I used the solution posted in:
which works perfectly.
Additionally, I would like to align each cell content (strings) to the center of the cell. To do so I tried changing:
colText('Blue text', 'blue'), ...
colText('<HTML><p style="text-align:center">Blue text</p></HTML>', 'blue')
But it does not show any effect.
Can you tell me how it is possible to change the text alignment in the cells using the suggested code snippet from the posted link and maybe give an example?
Thank you very much in advance!

回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-3-26
编辑:Walter Roberson 2023-1-19
style attributes and css are newer than the HTML that is supported. Use the HTML CENTER tag instead.
  2 个评论
M. 2014-3-26
编辑:M. 2014-3-28
Thank you for your answer. Do you mean
colText('<html><center>test</center></html>', 'blue'), ...
Unfortunatelly that doesn't work either =/
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-1-19
Note: in the time since this question was originally asked, uifigure() were added. uitable() that exist within uifigure() have additional formatting possibilities


Prof. X
Prof. X 2023-1-19
编辑:Prof. X 2023-1-19
Use this as reference. This centers the text, makes the background red, and changes the font color to white:
uitable('data',{'<html><tr><td width=9999 style="color:White;background-color:#FF0000;text-align:center">X'})


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