the use of the linear quadratic requlator method in the state space controller and observer design
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hi guys,I am new in matlab and simulink. can you help me find a degin method to find the values of the R and Q matrices that are used to find the optimal values of the state controller k that optimize the objective function. my problem how I can relate the required performance of nonovershoot and zero stedy state error for the output to the values of Q and R matrices.
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Arnaud Miege
The matrices R and Q are essentially design parameters or weights that you have to choose as part of the control system design, there's no automated way of selecting those (as far as I know). However, you can use function like lqr to compute the optimal state feedback matrix K. Check out the other functions under LQR/LQG Design.
2 个评论
Arnaud Miege
The optimal state feedback matrix K is computed using the solution of the Ricatti equation. Have a look at this (in particular section 2.2) for more details:
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