divide an image region into 4x4 blocks

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How do I divide an image region into 4x4 blocks and then For each block, calculate the mean value of the block?


Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014-3-27
You can try to use blockproc(A,[4 4],fun) where fun is a function which does mean(mean(block_struct.data))

更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-3-28
  1 个评论
fereshte 2014-3-28
编辑:fereshte 2014-3-28
thank you.
1.can you divide image to 3*3 blocks with blockproc_demo2.m?
2.how i can calculate mean just for fifth window in 3*3 blocks?



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