How to create a solid structure

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everybody, I have some problems with the writing of a Matlab script able to create the following solid structure:
This structure should be a single sector of a football stadium, on the tilted surface I will distribute a regular disposition of seats. Thanks to all for the help! Have a god day!


Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-3-29
编辑:Star Strider 2014-3-29
Does this do what you want?
x = linspace(1,50,50);
y = linspace(1,100);
[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = X.*tand(30);
mesh(X, Y, Z)
To see what the stadium would look like as steps rather than as a continuous surface, plot figure(2):
axis equal
  4 个评论
Francesco 2014-3-30
Ok, I guess to have a figure that could explain the scenario that I would model: the first figure represents the stadium
is it possible reconstruct this plot? The 2nd figure is the red area that is the single stadium sector, the tilted surface, with more precise division among the seats:
For this second image I would generate the two vectors x and y with linspace command and the z coordinates withe X.*tand(30). The x vector will have a separation of 1 (1m) while the y vector will have a separation of 0.5 (0.5m). Does it right?
Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-3-30
In that situation, your y vector (that eventually creates the Y matrix) would be:
y = linspace(0,100,200);
I used (0,100,200) here. You may have to experiment with variations such as (1,100,200) until you get the result you want, since I don’t know how you want to specify or calculate them. Having 200 elements in 100 meters puts them about a half meter apart.


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