Hello Hisham,
It understand you want to plot two different slopes for different segments of your data. Based on the image you provided, here’s how you can achieve that:
- Separate the points for the two slopes.
- Use the polyfit function to find the slope for each segment.
- Use the plot function to visualize the data points and the fitted lines.
Here’s a sample code:
% Define data points
x = 2000:500:7000;
y = -17:0.5:-12;
% Separate points for two slopes
x1 = x(1:4); y1 = y(1:4);
x2 = x(5:end); y2 = y(5:end);
% Calculate slopes
p1 = polyfit(x1, y1, 1);
p2 = polyfit(x2, y2, 1);
% Plot data points and fitted lines
scatter(x, y, 'filled'); hold on;
plot(x1, polyval(p1, x1), '-r', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(x2, polyval(p2, x2), '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
% Add labels and legend
xlabel('X-axis'); ylabel('Y-axis');
legend('Data points', 'First slope', 'Second slope');
title('Plot with Two Slopes');
hold off;
Refer the below documentation links to read more about the functions: