How to rename the subfolders

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Hey Guys, I have 60 subfolders in a folder. Subfolder names are as follows: A_001, B_001,...Z_001, A_A_001, A_B_001, ....A_Z_001, A_A_A_001, A_A_B_001,.......
I want to rename the sub-folders as follows:
............... Z_001=026,
............................................ A_A_A_001=053
Thanks in advance.


David Young
David Young 2014-3-31
Please ensure that you make a backup before using this, and check that it is doing exactly what you want. I have not tested it, and you might need to make modifications.
Assuming that the top folder's name is stored as a string in the variable 'top_folder':
d = dir(top_folder);
fnames = {};
% remove pseudo-folders . and ..
dotstart = cellfun(@(s) strcmp(s(1), '.'), fnames);
fnames(dotstart) = [];
maxlen = max(cellfun(@length, fnames));
% pad filenames on front with 'A'
fnames_padded = cellfun(@(s) char(padarray(double(s), [0 maxlen-length(s)], ...
double('A'), 'pre')), fnames, 'UniformOutput', false);
[~, sort_index] = sort(fnames_padded);
fnames_sorted = fnames(sort_index);
for f = 1:length(sort_index)
fname = fnames_sorted{i};
fout = sprintf('%03d', f);
fprintf('Moving %s\n to %s\n', fname, fout);
movefile(fullfile(top_folder, fname), fullfile(top_folder, fout));

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