decoding of bitstream in image processing?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi, Suppose for t=8, I have x=[1 1 1 0 0 0] and decoded data is stored in p. So first I initialize p=zeros(1,4); now for decoding it if x(1)=1 && x(2)=1, then I should get re(1)=3*t/2 and then if x(3)=1 && x(4)=0 then I should get re(2)=-3*t/2 and x(5)=0 so re(3)=0 and x(6)=0 so re(4)=0. How can I do it by programming. Can anyone please help me?

回答(1 个)

DGM 2024-10-27
There are four possible transition states, but only three are (confusingly/incorrectly) described. Assuming the following:
  • a 00 transition yields 0
  • a 01 transition yields 0
  • a 10 transition yields -k
  • a 11 transition yields +k
where k is 3*t/2, then:
t = 8;
x = [1 1 1 0 0 0];
dx = diff(x);
hihi = ~dx & x(2:end);
hilo = dx < 0;
re = (hihi - hilo)*3*t/2
re = 1×5
12 12 -12 0 0
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