GUi to wait for events from one of two push buttons

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have designed a GUI which is taking some images iteratively from a folder and displays it. I have two push buttons "Save" and "Dont Save" which either save(or not) some information about the data.
Since I am reading the data iteratively, all the images are displayed continuously without waiting for a response from the user. I want the GUI to wait for a event to occur in one of the two push buttons and to perform the respective action.


Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora 2014-4-3
编辑:Dishant Arora 2014-4-3
You can store file names in the handles structure and do something like this:
function gui_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
handles.Counter = 1;
guidata(hObject , handles);
updateCounter(hObject, handles);
function pushbutton1_callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
updateCounter(hObject, handles);
function updateCounter(hObject, handles)
% Your code to read , display and write image.
handles.Counter = handles.Counter+1;
guidata(hObject, handles)
  2 个评论
divya r
divya r 2014-4-4
How do I check which of the two push buttons have been pushed? If "Save" has been pushed, the data should be saved else not.
Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora 2014-4-4
function updateCounter(hObject, handles)
if ~get(handles.dontSavePushButton , 'Value')
% Your code to read , display and write image.
handles.Counter = handles.Counter+1;
guidata(hObject, handles)


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