Excluding points in the plot of a streamslice function?

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polygon1= [0.1624 -0.6477;
0.2247 -0.6477;
0.2247 0.3874;
0.1624 0.5219]
P = rand(20,2)/2
check = inpolygon(P(:,1), P(:,2),polygon1(:,1), polygon1(:,2))
plot(polygon1([1:end 1],1), polygon1([1:end 1],2),'b.-',P(:,1), P(:,2),'r*')
Imagine i have a fixed set of numbers (in this case they are random) and i find that there are some points inside this figure.
I create a grid for a certain domain:
I also have created a corresponding U and V velocities for the meshgrid.
Now I want to plot my velocity field with the streamslice(mesh1,mesh2,U,V) function.
However, I dont want to include in my plot those points inside the polygon.
Is there a way to say to the streamslice function to not include certain points?
  1 个评论
Jacob 2014-4-11
Please I really need to know how i can omit points in my grid so the streamslice can ignore those points inside the polygon


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