how to access path details of images displayed in subplots

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi, i am new to matlab, i am trying to build a image based database project, where i have a folder named database have many images around 40, out of which the every user must make a sequence of 4 selection during registration and store the path in some variables,and display the image in sequence as user selected in separate figure for user reference....... I have created a database table which store text datatype, so now i need to have 4 path files to reach the user selected images....
currently i have displayed the images on screen but finding hard to get the user inputs....
please help me to get the path to reach particular selection of user.... or give a alternative solution to the problem.... thanks in advance..


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-4-12
set the Userdata property of the subplot axes to hold the information. Then when the user interacts with one of the subplot objects, user ancestor() with the 'axes' request to find the axes from the object, then get() the Userdata property to get the path.
  2 个评论
Rakesh 2014-4-12
编辑:Rakesh 2014-4-12
thanks for the answer sir.... does the userdata property hold the file information automatically for the images displayed in the subplots or do i need to set the information manually....
Rakesh 2014-4-12
if you don't mind,can i have a small example or link to an example to see how to do it sir please...


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