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Trying to extract road from an image but got the error- "Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles."

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[f,p]= uigetfile('.jpg'); I=imread([p,f]); figure, imshow(I);
if ndims(I)==3 I1=rgb2gray(I); else I1=double(I); end k=3; [mu,mask]=kmeans(I1,k); figure, imshow(mask,[]); title('unsuper');
figure,imshow(I3); title('morphpo');
I4=medfilt2(I3,[5,5]); figure,imshow(I4);
hs=14; hr=12; m=30; me_seg= meseg(I1,hs,hr,m); S1=imcomplement(im2bw(me_seg));
se1=strel('disk',3); Iout=imerode(S1,se1); figure, imshow(I) hold on; contour(Iout,[0,0],'r')

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-4-22
You might try this
I1 = double(rgb2gray(I));


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