Problem using lsqnonlin for curve fitting

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I am trying to use lsqnonlin to match my measured field signal with the plot generated from my objective function. The problem I am facing is that the objective function is a little bit complicated:
%% OBJECTIVE FUNCTION %% function [H] = objective_function(Pos)
MeasPoint_X = Pos(1); MeasPoint_Y = Pos(2); MeasPoint_Z = Pos(3);
Vertix1 = [0.15 0.15 0]; Vertix2 = [0.15 -0.15 0]; Vertix3 = [-0.15 -0.15 0]; Vertix4 = [-0.15 0.15 0]; Current = 1;
MeasPoint = []; H = []; for MeasPoint_X = 1:1:length(MeasPoint_X) MeasPoint_temp = [MeasPoint_X MeasPoint_Y MeasPoint_Z]; H_temp = BiotSavartCalculation(Vertix1, Vertix2, Vertix3, Vertix4,... MeasPoint_temp, Current); MeasPoint = [MeasPoint; MeasPoint_temp]; H = [H; H_temp]; end end
%% BIOT SAVART CALCULATION %% This uses another function to calculate the magnetic field along a certain trajectory:
function [H, B, x, y, z] = BiotSavartCalculation(Vertix1, Vertix2, Vertix3, Vertix4,... MeasPoint, Current)
x = [Vertix1(1) Vertix2(1) Vertix3(1) Vertix4(1) Vertix1(1)]; y = [Vertix1(2) Vertix2(2) Vertix3(2) Vertix4(2) Vertix1(2)]; z = [Vertix1(3) Vertix2(3) Vertix3(3) Vertix4(3) Vertix1(3)];
% Define the sides of the coil Side1 = Vertix2 - Vertix1; Side2 = Vertix3 - Vertix2; Side3 = Vertix4 - Vertix3; Side4 = Vertix1 - Vertix4;
% Side 1: A1 = MeasPoint - Vertix2; B1 = MeasPoint - Vertix1; % Side 2: A2 = MeasPoint - Vertix3; B2 = MeasPoint - Vertix2; % Side 3: A3 = MeasPoint - Vertix4; B3 = MeasPoint - Vertix3; % Side 4: A4 = MeasPoint - Vertix1; B4 = MeasPoint - Vertix4;
% Implementation of Biot-Savart Law:
u = 1.25663706*(10^-6); % Permeability of free space
H1 = ((dot(Side1,B1)/norm(B1)) - (dot(Side1,A1)/norm(A1)))*(cross(A1,B1)/(norm(cross(A1,B1))^2)); H2 = ((dot(Side2,B2)/norm(B2)) - (dot(Side2,A2)/norm(A2)))*(cross(A2,B2)/(norm(cross(A2,B2))^2)); H3 = ((dot(Side3,B3)/norm(B3)) - (dot(Side3,A3)/norm(A3)))*(cross(A3,B3)/(norm(cross(A3,B3))^2)); H4 = ((dot(Side4,B4)/norm(B4)) - (dot(Side4,A4)/norm(A4)))*(cross(A4,B4)/(norm(cross(A4,B4))^2));
H = (1/4*pi)*(H1+H2+H3+H4); B = u*Current*H; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
The problem occurs when trying to match the measured data with the simulated data using the levenberg-marquadt method, lsqnonline. This is the code I wrote for calling the LM solver:
clc; clear all;
MeasPoint_X = 1:1:100; MeasPoint_Y = 50; MeasPoint_Z = 10; Pos = [MeasPoint_X MeasPoint_Y MeasPoint_Z];
[H] = objective_function(Pos); H_i_sim = H(:,1); H_i_meas = H(:,1) + (10^-8.5)*randn(100,1);
% plot(MeasPoint_X, H_i_sim, MeasPoint_X, H_i_meas) % xlabel('X-distance (cm)') % ylabel('Magnitude A/m)') X0 = [0 0 0];
x = lsqnonlin(@objective_function, X0);
I am struggling to implement the LM solver for my application. I understand the method iterates to find the optimum value of the coefficients but wanted to know if that can be applied to my case.
Many thanks,

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-4-23
Use lsqcurvefit instead. It is specifically designed for curve-fitting. You will also need to change your objective function. See the section on fun in the Input Arguments section for details. It requires the objective function arguments to be in a specific order.

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