Terminate program once input is required using system()

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi. I am trying to run TRNSYS through MATLAB in a script. So far it looks like this (simplified):
Deckname = ['TRNSYS_A1_',num2str(idxAS),'.DCK'];
Deckpath = 'D:\Trnsys_Coll\';
Trnpath = 'C:\Program Files\Trnsys16_1\Exe\';
Trnrun = ['Trnexe.exe ',Deckpath,Deckname];
The problem is that the program I am running requires an input (such as enter) to close. So my MATLAB-code gets "stuck" at the line
saying it is busy. Is there a way I can terminate the program once the input is required? It would take too long to do it manually, because it's all in a very long loop.


Friedrich 2014-5-9
编辑:Friedrich 2014-5-9
maybe use piping and pipe in a txt file with one empty line. So create a new txt file which contains one line (simply press enter once in the txt file) and save it in some folder with some name. Then when you call your Trnexe.exe pipe in that file by using:
Trnrun = ['Trnexe.exe ',Deckpath,Deckname, '<C:\some_folder\some_file.txt'];
So when the application wants in input it doesn't use STDIN it uses one line of the txt file. This basically simulates the enter press. Let me know if that works for you.
  1 个评论
Marc Jakobi
Marc Jakobi 2015-2-27
编辑:Marc Jakobi 2015-2-27
Hi. Sorry for completely forgetting I had posted this... I ended up solving it by
Trnrun = ['!Trnexe.exe ',Deckpath,Deckname,' /h'];
The /h argument deactivates the input requirement in TRNSYS. But your answer is probably more universal.


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