how to call a C# function, foo(out byte [])? -- help passing a byte pointer

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Been struggling to call the following function in a C# dll:
public bool GetLatestBuffer(out byte[] buffer)
I've allocated the buffer in Matlab and tried various castings with libpointer, but keep getting the result:
No method 'GetLatestBuffer' with matching signature found for class ...
I could write a wrapper in C# that allocates the buffer ... but would rather do the memory management in Matlab.
My pseudocode is basically:
ls = luma_ns.Luma(initParams);
ls.function1(params) % --> it works passing parameters by value
buf = zeros(10000,'uint8'); % tried uint16, int16, etc.
pbuf = libpointer('uint8Ptr',buf);
ls.GetLatestBuffer(pbuf) % doesn't match the prototype of out byte []
No method 'GetLatestBuffer' with matching signature found for class 'Luma_ns.Luma'.


Friedrich 2014-7-21
编辑:Friedrich 2014-7-22
have you tried calling it like this
[bool_val, byte_array] = obj.GetLatestBuffer();
This works fine for me in 14a with the following example
public bool GetLatestBuffer(out byte[] Buffer)
Buffer = new byte[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++)
Buffer[i] = (byte)i;
return true;
>> a = ClassLibrary1.Class1
a =
Class1 with no properties.
>> [bool,array] = a.GetLatestBuffer()
bool =
array =
Byte[] with properties:
Length: 10
LongLength: 10
Rank: 1
SyncRoot: [1x1 System.Byte[]]
IsReadOnly: 0
IsFixedSize: 1
IsSynchronized: 0
SideNote: The out keyword forces the routine GetLatestBuffer to assign Buffer to some value. So you do NOT need to pass down a preallocated array and since you dont need to do this it appears as output in MATLAB directly.
Also in C# when using OUT you never pass down a preallocated array. So what MATLAB does is correct here and matches the .NET programming.
  1 个评论
daniel rasnow
daniel rasnow 2014-7-28
AWESOME!! That did it!! Followed by
img = shiftdim(reshape(uint8(array.SyncRoot),3,numH,numV),1);
imagesc(img) % rbg image, which would have taken pages of C#


更多回答(2 个)

James Tursa
James Tursa 2014-6-5
Have you tried changing the header signature to something more friendly to MATLAB, but have the same basic I/O? E.g.,
bool GetLatestBuffer(char *buffer);
  3 个评论
James Tursa
James Tursa 2014-6-6
Don't recompile. Just create a new header file off to the side for MATLAB to use. I.e., copy the actual header h file to a new file, modify that new file by changing the signature of the function in question, then use that new header h file for calllib in MATLAB.
Friedrich 2014-7-22
This wont work because that is the .NET interface he is using and not loadlibrary!!!!


Anthony 2014-7-17
You can create a byte[] like this:
A = NET.createArray('System.Byte',4).
Then you just have to pass it to your function.
Hope it helps,
  1 个评论
daniel rasnow
daniel rasnow 2014-7-20
Thanks Anthony! That looks so logical, but it still doesn't work, generating the error in Matlab: No method 'GetLatestBuffer' with matching signature found for class ..." I have the source (but would rather not change it). GetLatestBuffer is defined as
public bool GetLatestBuffer(out byte[] buffer)
I'm wondering if C# tries to be so smart to check the sizes of the buffers -- but I'm pretty sure I'm passing the exact size needed. Also tried >> buf = NET.createArray('System.Byte',1200,1199,3) vs. a single argument equal to the product, but all permutations give the same error msg. I'm very stumped!! |



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