Solve parabolic coupled PDE's using MATLAB's pdepe solver?
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I know that this question may seem simple to some of you, but I'm wondering if MATLAB's pdepe tool can solve a coupled system of parabolic pde's? The general form is:
d(u1)/dt = d2(u1)/x2 - d2(u2)/x2 d(u2)/dt = d2(u2)/x2 - d2(u1)/x2
More specifically, how does the DuDx command work in the pdepe tool? Can I enter an array for the coefficients of the b function and will it know that the second column coefficient corresponds to u2?
Thanks in advance for your time! Jacob
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Bill Greene
Yes, pdepe can definitely solve systems of pde. In general, the u argument to the functions you define has as many rows as there are pde in the system.
I'm not sure what you mean by the "b function." Do you mean the bcfun (4th argument to pdepe)? If so, the two arguments, ul and ur have as many rows as there are pde.
Example 2 on the pdepe documentation page here:
shows a two-equation system.
更多回答(2 个)
6 个评论
I have a similar question. Can we solve a system of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations using pde toolbox in matlab?
Ravi Kumar
In general, PDE Toolbox supports solution of coupled nonlinear parabolic equations. It is difficult to comment if your specific PDEs can be be solved, without seeing the equations.
asim asrar
i have a system of coupled wave equations given in attachment , which are varying in time and space simultaneously , can the equations be solved using pdepe command ( equations are given in attachment)
4 个评论
asim asrar
can u share some similar examples with two variables varying simultaneously using method of lines or method of characteristics.
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