linearization of a non linear dinamic system

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hi, I have to analyze the step response of a system of two differential equations:
the input of the system is delta and the output variables are vy and r. vyp=dvy/dt and rp=dr/dt. The other terms are constant. I think I have to linearizate this system but I have some problems about it. Any suggestions?

回答(1 个)

Andreas Surya Sitorus
I've some example for your case, by using JACOBIAN Matrix, may be it can help : % Variables declaration syms U1 U2 U3 U4 Omega Ixx Iyy Izz p q r phi theta psi syms dphi dtheta dpsi dp dq dr dW1 dW2 dW3 dW4 v1 v2 v3 v4 syms l b d m g Res J_TP K_M K_E W1 W2 W3 W4 dfxu x u
% Non Linear Diff.Equation dp=[((Iyy-Izz)*q*r/Ixx)-(J_TP*q*Omega/Ixx)+U2/Ixx] dq=[((Izz-Ixx)*p*r/Iyy)+(J_TP*p*Omega/Iyy)+U3/Iyy] dr=[((Ixx-Iyy)*p*q/Izz)+U4/Izz] dphi=[p+q*tan(theta)*sin(phi)+r*tan(theta)*cos(phi)] dtheta=[q*cos(phi)- r*sin(phi)] dpsi=[q*sec(theta)*sin(phi)+r*sec(theta)*cos(phi)]
% Non Linear State Space Equation dfxu=[dp;dq;dr;dphi;dtheta;dpsi;]
% State variable & Nonlinear Input Declaration x=[p; q; r; phi; theta; psi; ] u=[U2 U3 U4]
% Find matrix jacobian A & B A=jacobian(dfxu,x) B=jacobian(dfxu,u)
% substite parameter values & variable As=subs(A) Bs=subs(B)


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