How do i know a 'cancel' button or the 'cross' button is pressed in inputdlg?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, i am doing a simple GUI now. i don't know how to detect cancel button or cross button is pressed by user for inputdlg , i only know how to do it in questdlg,
eg. ~strcmpi(,'OK')
Thanks a lot.


W. Owen Brimijoin
W. Owen Brimijoin 2014-6-18
You could do this by checking whether the output of the function is empty:
answer = inputdlg('enter your name');
user_cancelled = isempty(answer);
  2 个评论
Elsie 2014-6-19
will it still work, because i set a default value for the input. What i want is to use the default value when i press cancel button or close the input dialog. If i click the OK button, the value(either default value or entered value) will be used.


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