Hello Alexis,
This error can occur when the solver is unable to solve the equations within the step-size provided. Increasing the number of consecutive minimum steps can help the solver manage the step size more effectively.
You can follow the below steps:
- Open the Solver Configuration: Go to the Solver section in the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
- Expand Additional Options: Click on the ‘Additional options’ section to expand it.
- Increase Consecutive Min Steps: Look for the dialog box titled ‘Number of consecutive min steps:’ and increase the value. A good starting point might be to set it to 10 or higher, depending on your model’s requirements.
Additionally, relaxing the tolerances can also help. You can do this by:
- Adjusting Tolerances: In the Solver section, find the fields for Relative tolerance and Absolute tolerance. Increase these values slightly to give the solver more flexibility. For example, you might set the Relative tolerance to 1e-3 and the Absolute tolerance to 1e-6.
I hope it helps!