Should I encrypt my files before compilation?
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If I create a Standalone application by means of MATLAB Compiler are my source codes (m-files) safety after compilation to .exe file or someone anyhow can get an access to m-files of the compilated product? Or should I make p-files from m-files before compilation to Standalone App?
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Robert Cumming
No there is no need to encrypt your mfiles before compiling to an exe.
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Robert Cumming
Its impossible to 100% stop someone with enough time, knowledge and effort (i.e. money) to reverse engineer an exe - but whether its pcode or mcode will make no difference in that situation.
For 99.9999% of the time simply compiling to exe will be enough. (I have no reference for that percentage - its just indicative....)
Titus Edelhofer
Hi Goryn, Robert is right: m or p doesn't make a difference here. The encryption of the files is fairly strong. You can increase the level of security (not to 100%!) by using some external encrypting/security program.
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David Leffingwell
Using the MATLAB Compiler will encrypt your M files for you. You can also pcode them as well. If you have MATLAB R2022b or later, you can use the -j switch of the MATLAB Compiler to automatically P-code all your M files before they are encrypted and packaged.
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