Gaussian distributed random numbers
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I need to generate a stationary random numbers with gaussian distribution of zero mean and a variance of unity with max value one.
1 个评论
John D'Errico
As all the people have pointed out, there are questions that you must answer before you really get a valid response.
Is the mean to be zero and the variance 1 AFTER truncation or before?
Star Strider
The core MATLAB function randn will produce normally-distributed random numbers with zero mean and unity standard deviation.
If you want the numbers to be limited to those <=1, this will work:
q = randn(1,10);
q = q(q<=1);
4 个评论
Star Strider
For that matter, considering that the Gaussian distribution has infinite support, once truncated, it is no longer Gaussian.
The mean and variance shift can be ‘fixed’ relatively easily though:
q = q/std(q) - mean(q);
It’s still non-Gaussian, but the numbers work.
更多回答(2 个)
What if you generate some random numbers (here 100) with normal distribution, mean of 0 and std dev of 1:
R = normrnd(0,1,1,100);
then divide all by the highest value so that the maximum is 1:
R_norm = R./max(R(:));
Check max:
ans =
2 个评论
Chris E.
编辑:Chris E.
Well a simple Gaussian distribution code can be as follows:
function main()
xo = 0;
yo = 0;
xsigma = 0.01;
ysigma = 0.01;
particle_amount = 100;
xpoints = Gauss(xo,xsigma,particle_amount)
ypoints = Gauss(yo,ysigma,particle_amount)
%needs column vectors
coordinates_x_y = [xpoints ypoints];
function output = Gauss(xo,sigma,PA)
r = sqrt(-2.0.*(sigma^2).*log(rand(PA,1)));
phi = 2.0.*pi.*rand(PA,1);
output = xo+r.*cos(phi);
This produces as many random Gaussian distribution about the center of (x,y)=(0,0) and a sigma of 0.01 with 100 points of data. You can modify where needed. I hope that helps you out!
3 个评论
Jon Thornburg
This thead is a few years old but I was looking over the example, because I need to do something similar. I was trying the above code. Gauss(xo,xsigma,particle_amount) it pops out the error "Undefined function or variable 'Gauss'."
Gauss was not deifed as a variable and searching matlab documentation cannot find "Gauss" by itself as formated in the above script. Any suggestions?
Ruben Dörfel
@Jon Thornburg
Gauss seems to be a user defined function. You would have to put
function output = Gauss(xo,sigma,PA)
r = sqrt(-2.0.*(sigma^2).*log(rand(PA,1)));
phi = 2.0.*pi.*rand(PA,1);
output = xo+r.*cos(phi);
into a new script. You should look up how to implement functions in matlab.
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