How to fft and filter some data and do ifft

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have two set of data 1.time 2.amplitude of the time domain.. I would like to do fft with respect to time and amplitude and remove some frequency and then do ifft
1.fft (time,amplitude) 2.remove some frequency 3.ifft after removing the signal. please let me know how to do....
Thanks in advance...

回答(3 个)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014-7-15
basically look up the fft documentation. They have examples on how to do the FFT and iFFT. If you need to remove some frequency just zero out the data at the frequency you desire.
  1 个评论
Yogesh Babu
Yogesh Babu 2014-7-15
Hello, Thanks for your reply!!
I read that the documentation but it is not so clear to this one...


Pavan Kumar Moturu
Pavan Kumar Moturu 2015-3-16
Hi Yogesh,
Did you find any solution for the task?
Regards Pavan Moturu

Hsu Ping
Hsu Ping 2017-1-12
I would like to know how to do fft/remove some frequency/ifft? Could you provide any example?
1.fft (time,amplitude) 2.remove some frequency 3.ifft after removing the signal. please let me know how to do....
Thanks in advance...


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