How to concatenate value calculated in a for loop?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
In matlab, if I have a code that calculates the rate of something in a for loop like this
for t=1:10
and each time the value of the rate differs, I want in to concatenate all the values of this rate in each loop so that after the 10th loop I have the 10 rates calculated to use them. How can I do this ?

回答(1 个)

Matz Johansson Bergström
I guess you want to place the values in a vector?
Ratek = zeros(10,1); %preallocate vector
for t=1:10
Ratek(t) = (1/2)*(log2(1+SINR1k)+log2(1+SINR2k));
Is this what you need?


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