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Assign dotted lineto individual sets of data on a line graph

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi Folks,
The following code plots some lines with different colours automatically.
Essentially 'T_Bulk_Calc' and 'T_Oil' contains 5 data sets each to be plotted (10 in total).
I want each to have individual line type, ie dashed, dotted etc.
xlabel( 'Time [sec]'), ylabel( 'Temperature [Celsius]' )
legend( 'T Bulk calc Base Oil','T Oil C2(meas)','Location', 'E' )
Can someone recommend some syntax? Thanks

回答(1 个)

dpb 2014-7-23
See the last example under
doc plot
for demo of modifying the default line style for automagic cycling. Otherwise, use 'linestyle' property and cycle thru the line handles after using plot



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