How do I access files not added to my matlab path?
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Hello everyone. I using the function 'dir' to access the names of the certain files in a folder. I then looping through them and organizing them in descending order and storing the ordered file names in a cell array. Now the next thing I wanting to do, is to read them using 'imread' and loop through the them to do some calculations.
The question is, how can I be using the function 'imread' on these file names without right clicking the folder, and clicking 'Add to Path'? Is there a simple function that does that for you?
Currently, I got the error saying 'Error using imread (line 349) File "lundimage00000.tif" does not exist'
Thank you all in the advanced.
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Michael Haderlein
You know the path of the file, as you can use the dir function. Just add the path and you can open the file.
>> path='C:\Users\yourname\Pictures\';
>> files=dir([path '*.jpg']);
>> im=imread([path files(1).name]);
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omg thx Micheal Haderlein, I first tried this one :
But it did not work, then I saw this page. It works ;)
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You need to provide to imread not just the file name but the full path. You can use fullfile to build it.
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