How can I generate a grid schematic in MATLAB?
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Hi guys, I am currently working on a GUI to model the effects of low temperature on a PV array. The GUI (as made from the GUIDE) as of now takes in user inputs from text boxes in order to change some of the parameters of the PV modules (such as short circuit current and ideality factor).
However, the GUI ideally should be able to output a grid of cells whose dimensions correspond to however many cells are wired in series and in parallel. The user would then click on individual cells and be able to change the individual characteristics of each cell and view its IV curve.
How can you generate a grid of images that can change according to user input? For example if the user states that there are 2 rows of 5 cells wired in series connected to each other in parallel, the GUI will display a 2x5 array of cells. I have the actual equations written for manipulating the IV curves already written but I don't know how to generate this grid of cells.
Thanks in advance!
2 个评论
What do you need to plot the cells for? Are they editable or is that just an image? Do you want to show connections among them too? can you attach an image of what you want (done in power point, or paint, or by hand and scanned,..., nothing fancy needed)?
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