Break points in no debugger in nodesktop mode

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi there,
I'm currently connecting to a remote computer via an ssh tunnel. Recently I set an xserver tunnel to be able to do some plotting. However, I always start matlab with "matlab -nodesktop" because I usually only work in terminals, i.e., I do all my file editing with vim. The problem is that when I set a break point (dbstop ...) and I reach it, a matlab desktop is automatically opened. Is it possible to disable this feature? What is the reason for this behavior?

回答(1 个)

Ashish Gudla
Ashish Gudla 2014-8-8
You can change this in the preferences.
On MATLAB main window select the “Home” tab and click on Preferences.
In the Preferences window choose “Editor/Debugger” on the left pane to open up the “MATLAB Editor/Debugger Preferences”. You can then uncheck the option that says “Automatically open files when MATLAB reaches a breakpoint”.


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