removing specific rows from char array

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
data=['01'; '02'; '03'; '04'; '05'; '06'; '07'; '08'; '09'; '10'];
How I can remove the 1st and 5th columns from data aray?
  1 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2021-8-27
data is a 10x2 character array, so it does not have a 5th column. I assume you meant row. See my solution.



the cyclist
the cyclist 2021-8-27
data=['01'; '02'; '03'; '04'; '05'; '06'; '07'; '08'; '09'; '10'];
data([1 5],:) = []
data = 8×2 char array
'02' '03' '04' '06' '07' '08' '09' '10'
  2 个评论
sermet OGUTCU
sermet OGUTCU 2021-8-27
编辑:sermet OGUTCU 2021-8-27
Dear @the cyclist, the column numbers that should be removed are defined as variable such as:
remove=[1 5];
How I can apply the remove variable into the above code rather than writing [1 5] ?
the cyclist
the cyclist 2021-8-27
data=['01'; '02'; '03'; '04'; '05'; '06'; '07'; '08'; '09'; '10'];
remove = [1 5];
data(remove,:) = []
data = 8×2 char array
'02' '03' '04' '06' '07' '08' '09' '10'
This is a very basic MATLAB question. You might benefit from watching the MATLAB Onramp tutorial.


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