Simple Undamped Forced Vibration Problem

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to replicate a solution in Matlab for the following problem
using 2 first order linear differential equations in Matlab as shown below
tspan=[0 4];
y0=[.02;1]; %Initial Conditions for y(1)=x and y(2)= x dot
[t,y]=ode45(@forced1,tspan,y0); %Calls forced1.m
plot(t,y(:,2)); %y(:,1) represents the displacement and y(:,2) the velocity
grid on
title('Displacement Vs Time')
hold on;
function yp = forced1(t,y)
yp = [y(2);(((f/m)*sin(w*t))-((k/m)*y(1)))];
The problem is I dont know whether Matlab considers both the complementary and particular solution. The theoretical solution is given as
where the 3rd term is the particular solution assumed of the form xp=C*sin(wo*t). I am not sure how to implement this correctly in Matlab
Any ideas?
if true
% code

回答(1 个)

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2014-8-1
bugatti79, your code looks fine. In other words, you correctly implemented the differential equation and, yes, MATLAB does return the correct solution: general plus particular.
  3 个评论
Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2014-8-1
If you solve the DE numerically (as you do right now) MATLAB returns numeric values. You could, of course, integrate the DE twice, once with F0=0 and then subtract the two solutions from each other. But again, you will only get numeric values.
I believe what you want is to go symbolic. E.g.
syms x(t) k m F0 w0
DxDt = diff(x);
D2xDt2 = diff(x,2);
% Define differential equation
my_DE = D2xDt2 + k*x/m == F0*sin(w0*t)/m;
% Set initial conditions
x0 = x(0) == 0.02;
Dx0 = DxDt(0) == 1;
% Solve differential equation and display
x_sol = dsolve(my_DE, x0, Dx0);
display(['x(t) = ',char(10),char(x_sol),char(10)])
Does that help?
bugatti79 2014-8-1
Hi Mischa,
Just looking at the problem now. I get an error message stating
Error in ==> AlgebraicDE at 2
syms x(t) k m F0 w0



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