How to use C Caller block with C code having multiple functions ?

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to use a C language code into simulink which has multiple functions in it. Can it be done by C Caller block.


Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom 2021-9-14
The C Caller block can only call one function. You can either use a seperate C-Caller block for each function, or write a wrapper C-function that calls multiple functions and then call that wrapper C-function from the C-Caller block.
  5 个评论
Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom 2024-8-19,10:49
The C Caller block can only call one function. You could use two C caller blocks, one for each function, and then place the 2 C Caller blocks inside a subsystem ... or you can use the C Function block and call both C functions from the single C Function block.
AKHILA 2024-8-20,9:20
Okay , thank you for clarifying my doubt. whether s function block can call 2 functions inside one block?


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