Error using uitable in a figure, not uifigure

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[~,~,a,kind] = getimage;
P = impixel() ;
[numSelections,numCols] = size(P);
den = 255;
filename = 'manual_clustering_values.xlsx';
% Pre allocating the array for speed
myCellArray = cell(numSelections,3);
for row = 1:numSelections
myCellArray{row,1} = strcat('Color',{' '},num2str(row));
myCellArray{row, 2} = strcat('#',num2str(rgbconv([P(row,1)/den P(row,2)/den P(row,3)/den])));
myCellArray{row,3} ='RGB';
%Write data to excel File
varNames = {'Color Name','Hex Code','RGB'};
data = cell2table(myCellArray,'VariableNames',varNames);
%Read data from excel File to table
tdata = readtable(filename,'PreserveVariableNames',1);
tdata= tdata(:,:);
manualTable = uitable(clTab2,'Units','normalized','Position',[.0 .1 1 .6],'Data',tdata);
Error using uitable
Functionality not supported with figures created with the figure function.

回答(1 个)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2021-9-8
编辑:Bruno Luong 2021-9-8
Sorry there is no workaround.


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