Display variable that user requests

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a program that controls a robot and various systems that runs for hours or days on end. I want a way for the user to select a variable to display to screen through input. It would look something like this...
% Existing variables in code would look something like this
var1 = 10;
var2 = 3;
% The program asks user if they want to display a variable
x = input('Enter variable value to display: ','s')
%User inputs 'var2'
%Matlab displays the value of var2, which is 3
Right now, of course, it would display the string that was input, not the variable that the user selected with their string input. I feel like I want a function like str2var instead of str2num...
I could do a big switch statement for the most common variables that the user might want to select, but I was hoping there was a better way to do this. Ive tried searching the web, but couldn't come up with anything. Any advice would be very appreciated.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-9-22
Perhaps just give them the Workspace Browser? https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/workspace.html
You can find the names of all variables in the workspace using who or whos .
%set up for demo
aafdadf = 34213;
JO324adf = 3248.;
k_df9M = -121324;
varnames = setdiff( who(), 'varnames');
chosenvar = varnames{randi(numel(varnames))}
chosenvar = 'k_df9M'
H = str2func("@()evalin('caller', 'disp(" + chosenvar + ")');")
H = function_handle with value:
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-9-22
If the user can be trusted to not be mailicious
A) They can't be trusted not to be malicious;
B) typing mistakes
Give them a menu to select from -- a drop-down box. And you can openvar() by name
x = 'var1';


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