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mutiple reading and writing of date and time

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
My data is as follows:
OriginTime Year Month Day Hour Minute Second
51.65086761 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
53.03222393 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
52.47999444 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
52.55764572 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
52.73042468 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
53.68612011 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
53.51039291 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
52.5239488 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
52.41107716 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
52.69466268 2014 6 10 12 9 5.991625
Here I want to 1st merge 'Hour','minute' and 'Second' column as hh:mm:ss and then add those time with the OriginTime column data I also want to merge 'Year','month' and 'Day' column data into mm/dd/yyyy. Can anyone tell me in what way should I use datestr or datevec to get the output something like
Origin Date (Local) Origin Time (Local)

回答(1 个)

Supreeth Subbaraya
To obtain an output like you mentioned, you can use the following code.
DateVector = [Year Month Day Hour Minute Second]
formatOut = 'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF'
  2 个评论
KRUNAL 2014-8-6
I know the code format. But I want to know 2 things from you.. 1st, writing DateVector = [Year Month Day Hour Minute Second] will it access year, month,day,hour,minute and Second columns in a loop? 2nd, if not i think you have not understood my question properly. I want mm/dd/yyyy in 1st column i.e Origin Date (Local) and hh:mm:ss in 2nd column i.e Origin Time (Local)
Can it be done?
KRUNAL 2014-8-7
编辑:KRUNAL 2014-8-7
I am trying to the following thing :
datecol(:,1) =(ofile(:,3)*1000000) + (ofile(:,4)*10000)+ (ofile(:,2));
formatOut = 'mmm.dd.yyyy';
It gives me output as:
a = Sep.3.6706
Instead of
a = Jun.10.2014
P. S : "ofile" is the filename where my above 10x7 data is stored.
Can you tel me what is wrong in the above code?


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