How to plot c(t) vs t

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
vetri veeran
vetri veeran 2014-8-12
评论: Yu Jiang 2014-8-12
How to plot c(t) vs t with these parameters for various values of v
u(t)=1, t0
0, t<0
Thanks in advance


Yu Jiang
Yu Jiang 2014-8-12
编辑:Yu Jiang 2014-8-12
I would first define a function as follows:
function y = Cfun(t, v)
u = double(t>=0);
Cmin = 10e-9;
Cmax = 10e-6;
C0 = 100e-9;
K = 10e6;
C03 = C0; % I don't know what C03 is, so I set it the same as C0.
y = C0-C03*K*(1/Cmin-1/Cmax)*v*u;
Then, create a different MATLAB file with the following code
t = linspace(-10,10,100);
y = [];
for v = [1,5,-1,-5]
y = [y; Cfun(t,v)];
legend('v=1', 'v=5', 'v=-1', 'v=-5')
Then, you should be able to see the figure as expected.
  5 个评论
vetri veeran
vetri veeran 2014-8-12
function y = Cfun(t, v) u = double(t>=0); Cmin = 10e-9; Cmax = 10e-6; C0 = 100e-9; K = 10e6; C03 = C0; % I don't know what C03 is, so I set it the same as C0. y = C0-C03*K*(1/Cmin-1/Cmax)*v*u; end And I typed following given below code in the command window. t = linspace(-10,10,100); y = []; for v = [1,5,-1,-5] y = [y; Cfun(t,v)]; end plot(t,y(1,:),t,y(2,:),t,y(3,:),t,y(4,:)) legend('v=1', 'v=5', 'v=-1', 'v=-5')
Where i am getting an error as Undefined function 'Cfun' for input arguments of type 'double'. I am unable to find the error.can you help me in this regard.
Yu Jiang
Yu Jiang 2014-8-12
Did you put them into to different MATLAB files and execute the script file? It seems to me that you are executing the function file.


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