This has started really suddenly. I do not know what has changed. I suddenly have some kind of massive conflict between windows 7 explorer, and relatively large (0.3MB or more) simulink library models (libraries).
The symptom is that in explorer if you try to do anything with these files (delete, copy, paste, access properties) it hangs the explorer window(s) using 100% of 4 cores, and the dreaded green progress bar of doom at the top. It takes perhaps 10 minutes to clear.
Specifically, I have slx library 2 files named something like "Roscoe_xxx_lib.slx" which have become almost unusable in Explorer today. Smaller slx files (models not libraries) do not seem to be affected. I thought I had some kind of virus or problem with windows indexing but I have tried everything with no effect.
EXCEPT, if I open Simulink without explorer, and manage to convert them back to the old ".mdl" extension, MATLAB renames the .slx as .slx.r2014. Now, I can copy, paste, move, delete those .mdl files without any problem.
I'll stress, there appears to be nothing wrong with MATLAB or Simulink. It is just some kind of really wierd interaction between those .slx libraries and explorer. You just can't move/copy/paste/delete them in explorer without minutes or hours of wait.
Any ideas? I notice that slx files seem to show some kind of thumbnail in explorer at the bottom when you click on them, even when you are in "Details" view. I see lots of web postings about windows 7 explorer hanging with media files with the green bar of death. Perhaps this is related to the "large" >0.3MB slx files?